
BBQ July 13 2018

BBQ French and English speakers

BBQ de RIEUX 20-21/08 2016

On 13 July a meeting was held between the association’s French and English speakers. With the aim of bringing navigators of the same port but with different languages together, a barbecue picnic was held in the sun, under the supervision of president Gilles Bellenguez and our English speakers’ representative Émile Schamp. We were pleased to have contributed with this event to “L’Entente Cordiale’’.

Reponse IAV (2).pdf
Document Adobe Acrobat 88.2 KB
Fermeture cluse mai 2016.pdf
Document Adobe Acrobat 330.9 KB
OF Gestion des ports de plaisance.pdf
Document Adobe Acrobat 52.5 KB
Le syndicat du port de plaisance de la Roche Bernard va perdurer
OF Port de La Roche B.pdf
Document Adobe Acrobat 304.1 KB
Réouverture écluse 02 04 2016.pdf
Document Adobe Acrobat 317.9 KB
Fermeture cluse 30 03 2016.pdf
Document Adobe Acrobat 329.5 KB
Rouverture cluse 14 03 2016.pdf
Document Adobe Acrobat 317.6 KB

Cross report 2014

November 3rd 2015

Courrier IAV
Ci-joint le courrier des 4 associations de la Vilaine vers l'IAV .
Courrier IAV.docx
Document Microsoft Word 51.8 KB
Courrier élus
Ci-joint courrier destiné aux candiats aux élections de décembre 2015.
Courrier élus.docx
Document Microsoft Word 117.6 KB
Réponse IAV.bmp
Image Bitmap 1.5 MB
Presse du 26/11/2015 Suite à notre entretien (4 asso de la Vilaine)Avec la Presse
Article Le Telegramme.pdf
Document Adobe Acrobat 924.5 KB
Ouest France 11/26/2015
Arzal OF.pdf
Document Adobe Acrobat 296.0 KB

June 19  2015

June 9 2015

Chateaulin : The local press discusses about AUP.

The new 240 division enters into application.


The new regulation of security described in clause 240 comes into effect may 1st, 2015. Don't forget to check your armament !

Click on the picture to see article from Ouest France newspaper Sunday, April 26, 2015 (french only)
Click on the picture to see article from Ouest France newspaper Sunday, April 26, 2015 (french only)



Unusual: Sinking of a 15 m cruise on the Vilaine